А meeting on the topic ‘Future without Corruption’
The Higher Multidisciplinary Civil Defence College held a meeting on the topic ‘Future without Corruption’ as part of the ‘Clean Session’ campaign. The participants of the event were students of the college, as well as a guest speaker - Igor…
Fostering international relations
On December 16, 2024, the President of the Higher Multidisciplinary Civil Defence College, Kassym Shokan Zhanatuly, visited the Altinyayla Mehmet Tugrul Civil Defence Vocational School under Mehmet Akif Ersoy University as part of activities aimed at fostering international collaboration. The…
‘King and Queen of the Winter Ball 2024’
On December 18, 2024, the Higher Multidisciplinary Civil Defence College hosted a bright and unforgettable event - the traditional contest ‘King and Queen of the Winter Ball 2024’. The most active, creative and talented students demonstrated their skills and creative…
Конкурстық тапсырма "Мектепке дейінгі тәрбие" құзыреттілігі бойынша WorldSkillsAkmola 2025 аймақтық кәсіби шеберлік байқауы Конкурсное задание Регионального конкурса профессионального мастерства WorldSkillsAkmola 2025 по компетенции "Дошкольное воспитание"
Конкурстық тапсырма «Бастауыш сыныптарда білім беру» құзыреттілігі бойынша WorldSkillsAkmola 2025 аймақтық кәсіби шеберлік байқауы Конкурсное задание Регионального конкурса профессионального мастерства WorldSkills Aqmola-2025 по компетенции «Преподавание в младших классах»
Конкурсное задание Регионального конкурса профессионального мастерства WorldSkills Aqmola-2025 по компетенции R – 10 «Спасательные работы» (Rescue Service)
From 12 to 13 December 2024 in the Multidisciplinary College at KU named after Sh. Ualikhanov held competitions in national sports within the framework of the programme ‘Zhastar rukhy’. Teams from organizations of technical and vocational, post-secondary education of Kokshetau…
On December 13, 2024, the city of Kokshetau hosted a volleyball tournament for the AMANAT Party Cup among the city's Primary Party Organizations. More than eight teams took part in the event, demonstrating a high level of sportsmanship and team…
16 желтоқсан. 16 декабря. 16 december
Қазақстан Республикасының Тәуелсіздік күні құтты болсын! С Днём Независимости Республики Казахстан! Happy Independence Day of the Republic of Kazakhstan!
A significant event to mark the Independence Day
On December 13, 2024, a significant event was held at the Higher Multidisciplinary Civil Defence College to mark the Independence Day. The organizers were the Education Department together with the Civil Defence Department. During the event, participants were immersed in…