Head of the Department of Civil Protection - Colonel Kadyrov Ramazan Tatzhanovich
The labor market today demands the training of highly qualified specialists in the field of ensuring human safety in the modern world, capable of creating a comfortable living environment in conditions of constant use of technology.
To successfully carry out professional activities in this area, it is essential to possess skills in the highly effective use of technical equipment, methods of monitoring and forecasting, as well as the ability to operate in a competitive environment in the labor market and solve professional tasks to achieve financial stability and strategic efficiency of a technosphere object at different stages of its life cycle.
The educational and methodological base ensures the wide application of modern information technologies, including the use of interactive learning (training complex: «Information and methodological support for the supervisory activities of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of the Republic of Kazakhstan», centralized knowledge control testing programs, and a complex for training the population in fire safety behavior).
The faculty members of the department conduct various activities, including practical training at the educational and training complex, demonstrations, meetings of college students with cadets from the M. Gabdullin Civil Defence Academy, and participation in scientific and practical conferences.
The Civil Defence Department is engaged in the implementation of educational programs for various disciplines, and the instructors develop test assignments to assess the level of professional training and to award qualifications to graduates of educational institutions.
With the introduction of new State Educational Standards (SES), the curriculum and thematic plans are updated annually, educational and methodological complexes for all disciplines are supplemented, and control and assessment materials are developed for entry testing, assignments, semester exams, as well as final state examination programs and coursework topics.
As of today, all educational and methodological complexes for the disciplines are developed in accordance with the principles of flexibility, variability, and a professional-practical focus.
The faculty of the department has developed regulations for the regional WorldSkills Kazakhstan Championship in Akmola Region among students and graduates of technical and vocational, and post-secondary education institutions in the competence of «Rescue Operations.»
The department's methodological challenge:
Improvement of activity on personal self-determination and formation of professionalism of future specialists on a competence basis.
Composition of the Civil Defence Department:
There are 32 faculty members in the department - Dr. PG, Masters, expert teachers, teacher-moderators; 6 - Masters of Practical Training.