Committee on Youth Affairs

Committee on Youth Affairs of the Multidisciplinary Civil Defence College

«to be young — it means to run ahead. Running, creating, helping relatives making a good contribution behind. Learn, strive for, be patriots and think about the future!»

Chairman of Committee on Youth Affairs


Our youth must live adequately and guard customs and traditions of our people with their life, study and inspire by their abilities and talents of the people around them, be independent and implement leading humane ideas of mankind.

Committee on Youth Affairs  -   is  a subdivision  of college in the field of realization of state youth policy of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

Main goals of CYA’s activities:

  • activization of  public activity of the students;
  • formation of civil self-consciousness of youth;
  • education of patriotic feelings;
  • support and realization of students’ initiatives;
  • assistance for development of personality’s  self-realization of student youth.

Top priority tasks of CYA’s activities:

  • education of well-educated, active and conscious citizens, patriot of the country;
  • protection of rights and legitimate interests of college’s students ;
  • development of independent, harmonic –developed creative individual capable of   adapting to dynamic environment of society;
  • assistance in wide participation  of students in social, cultural and public activities of the  state;
  • support talented and gifted youth;
  • creation of conditions for dialogue and interaction of students and college’s administration;
  • assistance in formation of a healthy lifestyle among students.


Student council

Student council — is the best elected representatives of student youth.

To be young— it means to like movement, not to be simple and boring and do things that bring satisfaction for you and people around you.

                                                                                                                                                                                   Adlet Nurtazin, Leader of Student Council

Student council — is a friendly family.

It is a large and a very active team aimed friendly for each member of team and to all students.

Each day of a student – is a holiday filled with study, work, joy, fun and creativity. CYA helps each student to grow spiritually; it educates strong and responsible people who are capable of settling any matters.

                                                                                                                F.R.Khalitova, Head, course leader

Student council is a desire to work.

It is a desire to score a success. It is a desire to work and take a great delight in doing it.  It is a desire to be a focus of attention. It is a desire to study.  It is a desire to go with the time.

Student council is a help.

The help is necessary and many-sided. It is a help for students for solving study questions, unity and organization of group’s work.

Student council – is a chance to find oneself, to reveal one’s talents and opportunities, to develop them to the high level and to show what you are capable of and what are you worth for the entire world. Every student is able to choose anything for oneself but if he (she) is not able – there is always the opportunity to create one’s direction and to be in charge of it!  


Scheme of students’ Union at college



КВН- Club of the funny and Inventive

Жасыл Ел-Zhasyl Yel

Вербум- Verbum

МК «Жас Отан»-YB “Zhas Otan”

Актив студентов – Union of students

Студенческий совет общежития – Student council of hostel


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