Seminar "Ways to improve the forms and methods of teaching students of the Department of Civil Protection, taking into account the increased requirements for the level of training of young specialists"

On December 8, 2021, a seminar was held at the Department of Civil Protection on the topic "Ways to improve the forms and methods of teaching students of the Department of Civil Protection, taking into account the increased requirements for…

Оpening ceremony of the Rescue Center on the Waters

On December 8 of this year, the opening ceremony of the Rescue Center on the Waters, dedicated to the 30th anniversary of Independence of the Republic of Kazakhstan, took place at the Higher Multidisciplinary College of Civil Protection. The honorary…

Тhe intra-college selection for the regional championship «WorldSkills Kazakhstan» on the competence «Primary education»

On December 7, the intra-college selection for the regional championship «WorldSkills Kazakhstan» on the competence «Primary education» took place. The championship consisted of 5 stages. Module A. Creation of an electronic. Module B: Preparation and conduct of a lesson fragment…

Open lesson in informatics

On 07.12.2021, an open lesson on the discipline «Informatics» was held on the topic: «Topic 4. Bigdata. Basic concepts of the database» through the Zoom platform with the participation of students of the PMNO-12 group. Active teaching methods were used:…

Coverage of the HMCCP Planning Directorate in the media!

On December 6, the planning directorate was held at the Higher Multidisciplinary College of Civil Protection. The following issues were submitted to the Directorate for consideration: multilingualism in academic work; analysis of the work of curators; analysis of the labor…

«Olympiad in Economics»

Under the guidance of Kainikenova Aigul Baltashevna, a teacher of economic disciplines, students of the Higher Multidisciplinary College of Civil Protection participated in the Republican Olympiad on the subject «Economics», organized by the website «ККО.KZ». Students of the PB-22B group…

Republican workshop "Continuous professional development of a teacher as a factor in the development of the system of technical and professional, post-secondary education"

On December 3, 2021, on the basis of the Taldykorgan Higher Polytechnic College, the Republican workshop "Continuous professional development of a teacher as a factor in the development of the system of technical and professional, post-secondary education, organized by Talap"…

Meeting of the Otan Birligi PPO

On December 3, 2021, the Higher Multidisciplinary College of Civil Protection held a meeting of the Otan Birligi PPO. On the agenda is a discussion of the principles of the Elbasy "Seven Pillars of Statehood". The meeting was addressed by…

Good luck to our colleagues!

From November 22 to November 30, 2021, teachers of the Department of «Civil Protection» Almuratov N.T., Abdina A.A., Abilnasirov M.K., Ayagan A.K., Balgozhin D.E., Bulkairov A.B., Kazhkenov A.E., Mikhailov S.Yu., Mikhailova S.N., Marat A.M. successfully passed the qualification testing, and…

Hello dear students!

One of the key points of the educational process is the transfer of students from other educational institutions. The transfer is carried out during the holidays in summer and winter. The difference in disciplines/credits is established by the deputy head…

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