Қазақстан Республикасының өртке қарсы қызмет күні құтты болсын! Поздравляем с Днем противопожарной службы Республики Казахстан!
Қазақстан Республикасының өртке қарсы қызмет күні құтты болсын!Поздравляем с Днем противопожарной службы Республики Казахстан!
Тhe competition of the Department of Civil Protection "The best teacher of the Department - 2022"
From April 12 to April 15, the Higher Multidisciplinary College of Civil Protection hosted the competition of the Department of Civil Protection "The best teacher of the Department - 2022". At the first stage of the competition "Methodical Mastery", teachers…
Shadow Theater Performance
On April 13, 2022, students of pedagogical specialties "Preschool education and Training", "Pedagogy and methods of primary education", "Primary Education" at the Center for Practical Pedagogical skills performed a shadow theater at Secondary school No. 12 in Kokshetau as part…
On April 12-13, 2022, the WorldSkills Kazakhstan - 2022 regional championship in the competencies "Preschool education and training", "Teaching in junior grades" started on the basis of the Higher Kazakh Pedagogical College named after Zh. Musin in Kokshetau. Anastasia Samburova,…
On April 12-13, 2022, the WorldSkills Kazakhstan - 2022 regional championship in the competencies "Preschool education and training", "Teaching in junior grades" started on the basis of the Higher Kazakh Pedagogical College named after Zh. Musin in Kokshetau. Anastasia Samburova, a student of the…
We wish the participants victory!
On April 12, 2022, the WorldSkills Kazakhstan - 2022 regional championship in the competencies "Preschool education", "Teaching in junior grades", "Physical culture and sports" started on the basis of the Higher Kazakh Pedagogical College named after Zh. Musin in Kokshetau.…
Regional practical seminar
Тeacher of the Kazakh language and literature of our college Ibraeva G.E., took part in a regional workshop on the topic "Introduction of multimedia technologies into the educational process of learning" on the recommendation of the regional educational and methodological…
Congratulations to our winners!
From April 1 to April 4, the Kickboxing Championship of the Republic of Kazakhstan among young people was held in Semey. Alina Kotkova, a student of the Higher Multidisciplinary College of Civil Protection of the ChS-22A group, took 2nd place,…
The students of the NO-32C group Nosova Alina, Zhakyp Zhanar and Zhakup Alfiya, under the scientific guidance of the teacher of economic disciplines Kainikenova A.B., took part in the remote express competition for teachers "TEACHER'S CONTRIBUTION - 2022". Objectives of…
Сongratulate the winners!
From April 4 to April 7, 2022, the regional sports contest "Kezen" in volleyball among girls was held in the village of Katarkol, in the program of the "NATIONAL STUDENT LEAGUE" among students of the organization of technical and vocational…