Coverage of the HMCDC Planning Directorate in the media

On December 19, 2023, the planning directorate held at the Higher Multidisciplinary Civil Defence College. At the directorate, the participants discussed current issues of the educational process. Meetings of the HMCDC Directorate not only contribute to making important decisions, but…

Қазақстан Республикасының Тәуелсіздік күні құтты болсын!  С Днём Независимости Республики Казахстан! Happy Independence Day of the Republic of Kazakhstan!

Қазақстан Республикасының Тәуелсіздік күні құтты болсын!  С Днём Независимости Республики Казахстан! Happy Independence Day of the Republic of Kazakhstan!

Аn event dedicated to the Independence Day

On December 15, 2023, an event dedicated to the Independence Day of the Republic of Kazakhstan was held at the Higher Multidisciplinary Civil Defence College. As part of this event, the third-year students prepared a literary prologue. The teacher of…

«The King and Queen of the Winter Ball 2023»

On December 13, 2023, the traditional event «The King and Queen of the Winter Ball 2023» was held at the Higher Multidisciplinary Civil Defence College. The most active, creative and talented participants took part in this event. The winners of…

Competition for filling vacant budget positions!

Due to the availability of vacant budget places, a competition is announced in the specialty:  Protection in emergency situations on the basis of basic secondary education, language of instruction is Kazakh. (Form of study: full-time, 3rd year) The commission meeting…

А bio-fight «The Curse of the virus

On December 7, 2023, at the Higher Multidisciplinary Civil Defence College, within the framework of the week of Chemistry, Biology and Geography of the MA «Biosphere», at the Department of Pedagogical and General Education Disciplines, biology teachers Smirnova N.S. and…

Аn extracurricular intellectual game «Geography Experts»

On December 6, 2023, in the framework of the week of Chemistry, Biology and Geography of the MA «Biosphere», an extracurricular intellectual game «Geography Experts» and an open chemistry lesson on the topic «The structure and properties of nitrogen and…

Аn extracurricular event «Sálem - Bıoálem»

On December 5, 2023, an extracurricular event «Sálem - Bıoálem» was organized at the Department of Pedagogical and General Education Disciplines at the HMCDC, within the framework of the week of Chemistry, Biology and Geography of the MА «Biosphere». The…

Museum tour

On December 4, 2023, students of the CHS-12B and CHS-12B groups of the Higher Multidisciplinary Civil Defence College visited the Malik Gabdullin Museum. The students toured five different exhibition halls. The students were also interested in exhibits representing the interior…

Тhe fitness club «Tonus»

On December 4, 2023, the fitness club «Tonus» was organized at the Department of Pedagogical and General Education Disciplines at the HMCDC, within the framework of the week of Chemistry, Biology and Geography of the MА «Biosphere». The event was…

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