The subject-cycled commission of natural-mathematical cycle and information system

«Science doesn’t know right or wrong.
But leads to truth and was leading…
Science just believes formulas!» 


   In modern society first of all the intellectual developed specialist is demanded who is able to use not only  the gain knowledge and practice skills but to self-train actively, to easily adjust to rapidly changed conditions of modern production. A future specialist must be competent in all spheres. He must be an active creative personality. And the teachers of natural-mathematical disciplines play not unimportant part in formation of such a personality

   Nurseitova Raikhan Zainulkabidenovna – leader of the subject –cycled commission of natural-mathematical cycle and information system.

          The list of teachers of the SCC:

   There are 17 teachers of the subject-cycled commission of natural-mathematical disciplines.

S.Kh.Khamzina – Expert of Public enlightenment of KazSSR,

R.Z.Nurseitova has got a Medal for Merit and Achievements.

   There are four teachers of the high degree, three teachers of the first degree and three teachers of the second degree in the cycle of natural-mathematical disciplines.

          Methodological problem of the SCC:

   Methodological problem of the subject-cycled commission is “Influence of innovation technologies in personality’s development and increase of cognitive activity of students”.


1. Development of cognitive and thinking activity of students in teaching process of disciplines of natural-mathematical cycle.

2.  Use of differential training in the process of lessons’ activity for the purpose of development of creative personality of students.

3.  Formation and development of heuristic and algorithmic thinking of trainers.

4.  The system of out-of-school activities as a basis of realization of personal-oriented interaction of students and teachers.

5. Study of using efficiency the different technologies of lesson organization by teachers.


1. Professional competence development of teachers and students.

2. Improvement of work with the talented students.

3. Encouragement of innovation activity of the college’s teachers in the condition of realization of standards of the new generation.

4. Development and implementation of electronic learning resources.

5. Study and monitoring tracking of potential opportunities of every participant of educational process, strengths and weaknesses of one’s training.

6. Assistance in development of research field of all participants of educational process.

7. To continue work of generalization and spreading of advanced pedagogical experience.

           The directions of the activity:

1. Organizational.

2. Professional development of teachers.

3. Professional development of students.

4. Subject out-of-school work.

5.  Methodological work.

6. Diagnostic and control-correctional activity.

   The teachers of the SCC use different methodological practices which allow to make thinking of students more active, to heighten their interest to study and to learned specialty.    Carrying out of the unusual complicated and methodological lessons contributes to it. The teachers practice the technology of problem education since 2009. The teachers study technology theoretically, write methodological reports and practice them at lessons creating problem questions, situations and tasks. A great experience was taken from carrying out the out-off-school arrangements.”Subject week” is carried out very interesting and originally. The teachers of the SCC hold different activities on natural-mathematical disciplines every year: subject Olympiad, competitions and meetings.

   They take part in International fair of pedagogical innovations every year. The teachers published their articles in International scientific-practical conference “Seiten’s readings”, in International scientific-practical conference “Shokan’s readings” and also in the volume of instructional research «Usage of the new pedagogical technologies – is the bases of the qualified training of specialists». They took part in the seminar «Mediation or Art being a mediator in solving the conflict situation» which was held by the practicing mediators, a professor of Sofia university named after St.Klimentiy Okhridskiy from Bulgaria, a professor of Granada university from Spain.

          The directions of methodological work:

- Adoption of innovation technologies in educational process as the main factor for training competitive specialists;

- To involve the students in research activity.

   The teachers of the SCC carry out researches with students, perform defense of diploma projects, yearly projects of students on the specialty «Information systems (in the fields of application) » every year.