Тhe competition «Mentor – young teacher»

On April 24, 2024, the competition «Mentor – young teacher» was held at the Department of Pedagogical and General Education Disciplines at the HMCDC. This competition is aimed at supporting the development of methodological and educational skills of teachers, as…


On April 17, 2024, students of the HMCDC of the CHS-22 A group, in order to popularize the Rescue profession, familiarize themselves with the system of further education in the Ministry of Emergency Situations, visited the Malik Gabdullin Academy of…

«WorldSkills Aqmola 2024»

talap.edu.kz: Одной из самых захватывающих компетенций регионального чемпионата «WorldSkills Aqmola 2024» стали – «Спасательные работы».На базе Высшего многопрофильного колледжа гражданской обороны собрались 11 команд из 10 областей страны, чтобы продемонстрировать свое мастерство.Каждая команда, участвующая в соревнованиях, проявила высокий уровень подготовки,…

The traditional annual event - “Miss Kokshe - 2024”

The traditional annual event held by the Higher Multidisciplinary College of Civil Defense is coming - “Miss Kokshe - 2024”! This year the Higher Multidisciplinary College of Civil Defense celebrates its 20th anniversary. This vibrant event brings together students, teachers…

Тhe regional championship «WorldSkills Aqmola-2024» in the competence of «Preschool education and training»

From April 17 to 19, 2024, the Higher Multidisciplinary Civil Defence College hosted the regional championship «WorldSkills Aqmola-2024» in the competence of «Preschool education and training».  Participants of the regional championship «WorldSkills Aqmola-2024» on the competence of «Preschool education and…

Тhe regional championship «WorldSkills Aqmola-2024» in the competence of «Teaching in the lower grades»

From April 17 to 19, 2024, the Higher Multidisciplinary Civil Defence College hosted the regional championship «WorldSkills Aqmola-2024» in the competence of «Teaching in the lower grades».  5 students took part in the championship: Aimgul Armanovna Smakova is a student…

Тhe regional championship «WorldSkills Aqmola-2024» in the competence of «Rescue operations»

From April 18 to 19, 2024, the Higher Multidisciplinary Civil Defence College hosted the regional championship «WorldSkills Aqmola-2024» in the competence of «Rescue operations». 11 teams from 10 cities took part in the competition. The team of the Higher Multidisciplinary…

Тhe opening ceremony of the regional championship «WorldSkills Aqmola-2024»

On April 17, 2024, the Akmola Regional Philharmonic named after Ukili Ybyray hosted the opening ceremony of the regional championship «WorldSkills Aqmola-2024» in the competencies «Preschool education and training», «Teaching in elementary grades» and «Rescue work». The opening ceremony was…


On April 17, 2024, the regional championship of professional excellence “WORLDSKILLS AQMOLA - 2024” in the competencies “Pre-school education and training”, “Teaching in primary grades”, “Rescue work” starts at the Higher Multidisciplinary College of Civil Defense.


2024 жылдың 17 сәуірінде Азаматтық қорғаныс жоғары көпсалалы колледжінде «Мектепке дейінгі тәрбие және оқыту», «Бастауыш сыныптарда оқыту», «Құтқару жұмыстары» құзыреттіліктері бойынша «WORLDSKILLS AQMOLA - 2024» аймақтық кәсіби шеберлік чемпионаты басталады.
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