On February 6, 2025, at the Department of Pedagogical and General Education Disciplines of the HMCDC in the group BBBPA-31 an integrated open class was held on the topic ‘Sh. Ualikhanov, Y. Altynsarin and A. Kunanbaev's contribution to national pedagogy’. The lesson was organised by teachers Abiltaeva S.B., Beknazar A.B. and Amantai A.A.
During the lesson, students learnt about the life and scientific heritage of outstanding enlighteners of the Kazakh people, studied their pedagogical works and discussed their importance in society and modern education system.
Particular attention was paid to the creative work of students, which allowed them to explore the topic in greater depth. Teachers used modern teaching methods and information and communication technologies.
The students were highly active, successfully coped with the tasks and demonstrated interest in the material studied.