On November 23, 2023, at the Higher Multidisciplinary Civil Defence College, within the framework of the week of Mathematics, Computer Science and Physics of the MA «QUANTUM», physics teacher Sarsenbayeva R.A. organized an exciting intellectual game: «Entertaining physics» for students of the FC-12A group. Mathematics teacher Alpysbayeva R.K. held a mathematical game «Clever and clever» with students of the ChS-12A.
In addition, teachers Sarsenbaeva R.A., Nurseitova R.Z., Alpysbaeva R.K. and Rakhmetova R.Z. conducted a master class for young teachers on the topic: «Methods and means of teaching in the organization of various types of classes».
The events held with the aim of immersing students in an atmosphere of healthy competition and creating conditions for the realization of creative abilities.
The students took an active part and showed high creative activity. Everyone was interested, showed discipline and organization.
Young teachers actively participated in the master class, and were acquainted with modern technologies and their methods.