On February 7, 2023, an open math lesson was held at the Higher Multidisciplinary College of Civil Protection at the Department of Pedagogical and General Education Disciplines, in the CHS-12A group on the topic: "Derivatives of trigonometric functions".
The lesson was accompanied by a presentation that illustrated the course of the lesson.
Tasks for the development of attention, logical thinking, and memory contributed to the solid assimilation of the material of the entire topic under study. Frontal, individual, and group work forms of educational activity were used. This contributed to the activation of cognitive activity.
The lesson used ICT technologies, reflexive, personality-oriented, problem-search, etc. The students' activities were organized into critical thinking, analysis, synthesis, classification and selection of material, and choosing the right solution.
The lesson was informative and interesting. The stage of reflection showed that students were satisfied with the lesson, they understood the material.
Teacher of mathematics: Alpysbaeva R.K.