On November 14, 2022, in the second academic building of the Higher Multidisciplinary College of Civil Protection, teacher Sagatayev Askar Shugaevich held an open lesson with the TJ-31A group on the discipline "Topography, the ability to navigate and survive in emergency situations".
Lesson topic: "Forests. Tactical structures of forests"
The purpose of the lesson: Creating conditions for generalization and systematization of knowledge on the topic "Tactical structures of forests". Formation of skills of independent work and application of the acquired knowledge in practice.
Tasks: Formation of skills of independent search for the necessary information, the ability to work with various sources of information; to allocate the necessary materials; to promote the education of purposefulness, a sense of responsibility; to instill in students accuracy and clarity when performing independent work.
Almost all students of the group took part in the lesson. The students completed the assigned tasks in a timely manner and were able to give comprehensive answers to the questions posed.