The «Center for Social Development» of Akmola region held a regional essay contest «Akhmet - teacher of the nation», dedicated to the 150th anniversary of the Kazakh scientist, turkologist, publicist, translator, reformer of national writing, educator Akhmet Baitursynov.
According to the results of the competition among the educational institutions of the TaVE, a student of the BBBPA-11 group of the Higher Multidisciplinary College of Civil Protection, Zhanna Toktybayeva took the 3rd place. Supervisor: teacher of the Kazakh language and literature Ibraeva Gulmaira Eskendirovna. In addition, Mamyrbek Medeu, a student of the OK-11A group awarded an incentive prize. Supervisor: teacher of Kazakh language and literature Shakhtai Araigul Maratkyzy. The leaders were awarded letters of thanks, the winners – diplomas, certificates, cash prizes and textbooks.