On October 13, 2022, the Olympiad in professional modules and disciplines of the specialty "Fire safety" was held in the second academic building of the HMCCP.
The participants of the Olympiad were students of the 3rd year of HMCCP in the specialty "Fire safety", a total of 7 teams participated.
The Olympiad consisted of 4 stages:
1. Business card.
2. Brain ring.
3. Solving the fire-tactical problem.
4. Preparation of the gas and smoke protector.
According to the results of all stages of the Olympiad, the 1st place was awarded to the team of the OK-31B group; the 2nd place was won by the team of the OK-31A group; the 3rd place was won by the team of the PB-32C (PB) group. The winners will be awarded at a solemn event dedicated to the celebration of the Day of the Rescuer on October 19.