From 05.09. – 12.09. 2022, the psychologist of the "Higher Multidisciplinary College of Civil Protection" Mazbayeva G.A. conducted a test with first–year students on the topic: "Socio -psychological adaptation".
The purpose of a test was to create conditions for successful socio-psychological adaptation, harmonious development of the student's personality, motivation for the successful development of professional competencies.
Adaptation is the process of changing the nature of relationships, the student's relationship to the content and organization of the educational process in an educational institution. The degree of social adaptation of a freshman in college determines many factors: individual psychological characteristics of a person, his personal, business and behavioral qualities, value orientations, activity, health status, social environment, family status, etc. During this period, there is a meeting between the student and the educational institution that he has chosen, as well as with the psychological environment that exists in this institution and with which he will have to interact all the years of study.
Psychologist: Mazbayeva G.A.