On May 19, 2022, a meeting with students held at the Higher Multidisciplinary College of Civil Protection within the framework of the Otanym - Tagdyrim subproject.
The moderator is Zhanbatyrova Aigul Beisembayevna - Head of the Department for Project implementation and work with structures of the AAPK of the MSI “Kogamdyk kelisim” at the Department of Internal Policy of the Akmola region. A speech made by:
- Chairman of the Regional Council of Public Consent at the AAPK, Chairman of the Akmola regional branch of the regional public association “Organization of Veterans” - Tolegul Gosman Tolegulovich;
- Chairman of the regional branch of the Republican public association “Association of Azerbaijanis of Akmola region” - Nazim Abyogly Shikhaliyev;
- Chairman of the Akmola regional branch of the youth wing Zhas Otan, Chairman of the pedagogical detachment "Duman", member of the regional public association "Assembly of Zhastars" - Bekeshev Sultanbek Evgenievich.