On April 12, 2022, the WorldSkills Kazakhstan - 2022 regional championship in the competencies "Preschool education", "Teaching in junior grades", "Physical culture and sports" started on the basis of the Higher Kazakh Pedagogical College named after Zh. Musin in Kokshetau.
Anastasia Samburova, a 4th-year student of the DOV-42 group of the HMCCP, takes part in the specialty "Preschool education and training".
Margarita Demchenko, a 2nd-year student of the NO-22C group of the HMCCP, takes part in the specialty "Primary Education".
Ibraeva Nursulu, a 4th-year student of the DT-41 group of the HMCCP - takes part in the specialty "Physical culture and sports".
We wish the participants victory!!!