On 24.02.2022, an open lesson on Russian literature on the topic "The Book of the Female Soul. Dedicated to Anna Andreevna Akhmatova..." was held at the Higher Multidisciplinary College of Civil Protection at the Department of General Education Disciplines in the FC-12A group.
The purpose of the lesson: to acquaint students with the facts of Akhmatova's biography, works of art and creativity in the context of time. To encourage the manifestation of a personal attitude to the work of a poetess who has said a new word in Russian poetry.
During the lesson, students got acquainted with Akhmatova's biography, read her poems and excerpts from poems, discussed her difficult fate, compiled a chronograph, evaluated each other's performances.
The lesson was informative, interesting, the theme of A. Akhmatova's life found a response in the souls of students.
Dashkovskaya Evgeniya Viktorovna