Teachers of physics, mathematics and computer science prepared a day on the theme "The world in the language of exact sciences" in the framework of the week of general education disciplines.
In the foyer, students and teachers of the college were greeted with a mathematical game " Sandar syr shertedi", an intellectual physics game "Right on target", an educational and entertaining game "Tic-Tac-Toe".
During the classes, the teacher Nurseitova R.Z. prepared a mathematical tournament for her students. Teacher Rakhmetova R.Z. held a round table "Journey into the world of mathematics". Physics teacher Boranbayeva Z. Zh. held a competitive lesson "The world of physics is a wonderful world!". The teacher Sarsenbayeva R.A. conducted an intellectual game in her lessons. Physics teacher Temirbaeva A.A. held an extracurricular event in the form of an intellectual game "Who wants to become a millionaire?". The teacher of computer science Nugmanova A.B. The teacher of computer science Nugmanova A.B. held an intellectual game "Computer Science = НаrdWaге + SoftWare + ВгаnWаге". The teacher Alpysbaeva R.K. held an extracurricular event in the form of a quiz "Own game". The mathematics teacher Sathieva S.M. conducted an intellectual game in mathematics "Experts in mathematics".
The subject week is held in our college for the development of cognitive and creative activity of students and improving the professional competence of teachers.