"In the world of History and Geography" is the name of the day that history and geography teachers spent at the HMCCP as part of the week of general education disciplines.
A historical and geographical warm-up "Erudites" was prepared for the opening of the subject day. Also, students and teachers of the college were greeted with a contest "Find a place on the map".
Teacher Madeev Zhanat Dulatovich conducted a quiz "The best connoisseur of the history of Kazakhstan", Kasimova Maral Dauletovna conducted a quiz "30th anniversary of Independence of the Republic of Kazakhstan" in her lessons, an intellectual game on geography "Do we know geography?" was held in her groups by Saduov Berikzhan Kapbasovich. Teachers Zbayraeva Kulzira Zhanibekovna and Akhmetov Alibek Kanapyanovich held a joint intellectual tournament "Do you know your story?" on history.