On January 27, 2022, a seminar "Organizational and methodological foundations of effective adaptation of young teachers to the conditions of the educational process of the college" was held at the Higher Multidisciplinary College of Civil Protection. The moderator is the deputy director of the HMCCP for EMA - Rumyantsev Yuri Vasilyevich.
The priority goal of this seminar is to increase the methodological level of teachers, as well as to develop the needs of young teachers for professional self-improvement.
Presentations were made by:
1. Deputy Director for EMA - Rumyantsev Yuri Vasilyevich;
2. Deputy Director for Academic Affairs - Ramazanova Umut Kairgeldinovna;
3. Head of the Department of Civil Protection - Kadyrov Ramazan Tatzhanovich;
4. Deputy Director for Information Technology - Alzhanova Dinara Khairullovna;
5. Deputy Director for Educational Work - Shaikhina Gulzhanar Zhaksylykovna;
6. Deputy Director for educational and production work - Aktaev Aset Zhanatalapovich;
7. Methodologist for EMA - Timeev Evgeny Alexandrovich.