On December 10, 2021, the competition "The best teacher of the Department - 2021" was successfully held at the Higher Multidisciplinary College of Civil Protection at the Department of Pedagogical and General Education Disciplines. The competition consisted of 4 stages:
1. "The lesson is the pinnacle of mastery";
2. Self-presentation;
3. A moment of glory;
4. Pedagogical situation with improvisation.
At the decision of the competent jury our dear participants were awarded the following nominations:
1. Ibraeva Gulmaira Eskendirovna - Grand Prix;
2. Nurseitova Raikhan Zainulkabidenovna - Teacher-researcher;
3. Madeev Zhanat Dulatovich - Teacher-master;
4. Kasymov Marat Zholymtayevich - The most positive person;
5. Zhadrina Nurzhamal Kairbekovna - The most resourceful person;
6. Dashkovskaya Evgenia Viktorovna - The most creative person;
7. Zhuparkhan Asemgul Zhuparkhanovna – The most artistic person;
8. Beisembayeva Gulbanu Asanovna - Generator of ideas.
We sincerely congratulate our excellent teachers with well-deserved awards and thank the Department of Pedagogical and General Education Disciplines for organizing this competition!