On November 19, the traditional Convocation Ceremony for students of the Higher Multidisciplinary College of Civil Protection took place. The solemn part began with the welcoming words of the director of the college Tyulebaev Askerbek Zhamantaevich and the deputy director for Academic Affairs Ramazanova Umut Kairgeldinovna, who congratulated all first-year students on the beginning of a new stage of life at the HMCCP.
The Convocation Ceremony is an annual event created to introduce freshmen to each other, adapt to the student environment and team building.
4th year graduate Musina Marzhan handed over The Key of Knowledge to the freshmen. At the end of the concert program, all students were invited to a dance party.
Congratulations to the first-year students on their initiation into the students of HMCCP and wish them a fruitful academic and extracurricular life in college! Welcome to our big and friendly family!