In the period from November 18 to 19, 2021, a togyzkumalak tournament was held among students of the Higher Multidisciplinary College of Civil Protection. Boys and girls took part in this tournament.
Our winners among young men:
1st place Sabitov Adiltas DT-31A
2nd place Kenesov Zhenis DT-11
3rd place Nuretdin Nursat DT-11
Among the girls:
1st place Turzhanova Assel ZHBB-41
2nd place Didarova Nazigul TJ-11A
3rd place Tursunbek Aida FC-12С
The winners were awarded certificates of honor. We congratulate our students on their well-deserved places and wish them not to stop there, strive for more, always be lucky and successful!
Tashim A.T.