Teacher of special disciplines Sagataev Askar Shugaevich took part in the republican competition "Mártebeli ustaz - 2020" in order to popularize among teachers the programmatic article of Elbasy N. Nazarbayev "Bolashaqqa baǵdar: Rýhanı jańǵyrý" and was awarded the 1st degree Diploma and the badge "Honorary Teacher of Kazakhstan" for special achievements in the field of education. The lesson plan on materials science on the topic “Aǵash materıaldar jáne aǵashtan jasalǵan buıymdar” was published in the collection of materials of the competition.
We congratulate Askar Shugaevich on such an achievement and wish him further professional success!
Pereshivkin I.V., Deputy Director for Educational, Methodological and Scientific work