Conference "The Role of the First President - Elbasy in the transformation of Kazakhstan into a nuclear-free state"

On the eve of the celebration of the Day of the First President of the country a conference "The Role of the First President - Elbasy in the transformation of Kazakhstan into a nuclear-free state" was held at the Higher…

Сompetition «Фестиваль видео-уроков»

CGA «Regional educational and methodological office» of the education department of the Akmola region organized the competition «Фестиваль видео-уроков» as part of the celebration of the 80th anniversary of technical and vocational education. The aim of the competition is to…

Regional prize-winners in table sports

The Regional online competitions in board games (тоғызқұмалақ) were held in the «Ұлттық студенттер лигасы» program on November 17-20, 2020. In these competitions, 13 teams of TVE of Akmola region participated. Our team of the Higher Multidisciplinary College of Civil…


KDM activists took part in the training "Самоанализ самого себя" on November 20. Organizers: Kokshetau Youth Resource Center. Speaker: Alzhanova Aigul Tulegenovna (psychologist).

«Mister and miss autumn HMCDC 2020»

The decisive semifinal voting of the magical contest «Mister and miss autumn HMCDC 2020» took place from 17 to 18 November 2020. 18 couples fought for the title of «Mister and miss autumn HMCDC 2020». 6 pairs reached the semifinals…

The Best Young Worker of Production!

The Best Young Worker of Production! Congratulations to the teacher of the Department of Pedagogical Disciplines Alexander Vladimirovich Eberts, a participant in the regional competition "Enbek Zholy", in the nomination "The Best Young Worker of Production". We wish you further…

Press release “HalloweenParty”

IQ studio. Intellectual Development held a Face-art competition (drawing on the face) from October 22 to October 29, 2020. Our students took an active part and won prizes: Kizilova Elizaveta PEU-12с – 1 place Nosova Alina EE-22с – 2 place…

Важная информация

Гражданам разрешается временно не предоставлять медсправки при сдаче документов в организации образования В целях обеспечения безопасности граждан и учитывая возникшие трудности при получении медицинских справок о состоянии здоровья, Министром образования и науки подписан приказ, временно разрешающий прием документов в организации…

Инструкция абитуриента

скачать Инструкция абитуриента по онлайн регистрации   


Сегодня ВМКГЗ готов предложить новую альтернативу традиционному методу приема документов от абитуриентов при поступлении в наш колледж.  Лицензионный модуль «Онлайн регистрация абитуриентов» в АИС «Платонус» предназначен для удаленного ввода информации для приемной комиссии посредством интернета. Т.е. абитуриент сможет самостоятельно…