An open lesson was held on the topic “Fundamentals of Family Law”
On March 13, 2024, at the Higher Multidisciplinary College of Civil Defense, as part of the week of the Ministry of Defense of History and Law, teacher of legal disciplines Sarsenbaeva A.B. An open lesson was held on the topic…
А quest game «Through the pages of history»
On March 11, 2024, at the Higher Multidisciplinary Civil Defence College, within the framework of the Week of the History and Law, at the Department of Pedagogical and General Education Disciplines, teachers Kasimova M.D. and Bekzhanova M.E. conducted a quest…
On March 11, 2024, at the Higher Multidisciplinary Civil Defence College, within the framework of the Week of the History and Law, groups of the specialty «Primary Education» PMNO-12A and PMNO-12B, together with history teacher Tyulebaeva O.S., visited the Akmola…
A student of the Higher Multidisciplinary Civil Defence College, group TJ-41A Sarsenov Almaz was awarded on behalf of the leadership of the Emergency Department of the Yesilsky district and Fire Department No. 25 for courage and bravery shown in saving…
Competition for filling vacant budget positions!
Due to the availability of vacant budget places, a competition is announced in the specialty: Labor protection and safety of technological processes on the basis of basic secondary education, language of instruction is Russian. (Form of study: full-time, 1st year)…
Competition for filling vacant budget positions!
Due to the availability of vacant budget places, a competition is announced in the specialty: • Fire safety on the basis of basic secondary education, language of instruction is Kazakh. (Form of study: full-time, 1st year) The commission meeting will…
Тhe opening of the week of methodological unification of History and Law
On March 11, 2024, the opening of the week of methodological unification of History and Law took place at the Department of Pedagogical and General Education Disciplines at the HMCDC. The event was organized by teachers of the Department of…
Рамазан айы! Месяц Рамазан! Тhe month of Ramadan!
Азаматтық қорғаныс жоғары көпсалалы колледжінің әкімшілігі барлықтарыңызды Рамазан айының басталуымен құттықтайды. Бұл қасиетті ай баршаңызға бейбітшілік, жақсылық пен амандық әкелсін! Администрация Высшего многопрофильного колледжа гражданской защиты поздравляет всех с наступлением месяца Рамазан. Пусть этот священный месяц принесет мир, добро и…
А gala event
On March 7, 2024, a gala event was held at the Higher Multidisciplinary College of Civil Defense on the eve of the wonderful holiday of International Women's Day. The concert was organized by the educational department and curators Rakhimzhan K.…
March 8 !
The Higher Multidisciplinary College of Civil Defense sincerely congratulates all dear ladies on the wonderful holiday - International Women's Day and wishes you a great mood and the most vivid impressions!